
Code of Conduct of ALUWAG AG

1 Our principles and values

This Code of Conduct sets out the rules of behaviour of ALUWAG and its employees for correct conduct in day-to-day business. This behaviour should satisfy both legal requirements and high ethical standards. We are aware of our responsibility as a fair and correct partner towards employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and the public. We comply with the applicable legal provisions and internal regulations. This Code of Conduct was adopted by the Board of Directors and is based on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Employees of ALUWAG AG must observe the rules of this Code of Conduct as the basis for their day-to-day business activities. In this way, we guarantee safety, quality and sustainability in the interests of our customers and create the conditions for a working environment characterised by integrity. We expect our suppliers and business partners to share these value principles of ALUWAG AG and to ensure that their activities comply with the principles of this Code of Conduct. We do not tolerate any violations of legal provisions, this Code of Conduct or other regulations. Violations will be sanctioned in accordance with the applicable legal and contractual provisions and may lead to the cancellation of the existing contractual relationship with employees or business partners.

2 Our behaviour in dealing with people

2.1 Protection of personality

We treat each other decently, fairly and respectfully. We respect the personality of our employees and do not tolerate any form of marginalisation.

2.2 Discrimination and harassment

We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of a sexual or personal nature or insults to people based on gender, age, origin, religion, physical or mental characteristics, ideology or sexual orientation.

2.3 Health and labour law requirements

We protect the health of our employees. We comply with the relevant legal provisions and regulations and offer impeccable working conditions.

3 Our behaviour in dealing with safety

3.1 Protection and prevention

In all our activities, we always protect people first. In addition to prioritising the protection of employees, customers, suppliers and business partners, we also protect our buildings, facilities and equipment. We avoid damage through permanent safety and risk-conscious behaviour.

3.2 Safety regulations

Safety is one of our central concerns. We comply with the relevant safety regulations and standards.

4 Our behaviour in dealing with information

4.1 Confidentiality

We do not pass on any confidential information about ALUWAG AG, its customers, suppliers and business partners to third parties.

4.2 Communication

We maintain an open dialogue with all stakeholders. We communicate with our employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, supervisory authorities and the interested public in a transparent, honest, understandable and target- and level-appropriate manner.

5 Our behaviour in dealing with competition

5.1 Competition law

We do not enter into any agreements with competitors or business partners that have the purpose or effect of unlawfully restricting competition.

6 Our behaviour in dealing with assets

6.1 Bribery and corruption

We do not tolerate bribery or other corruption. Public and private functionaries and decision-makers may not be given gifts or offered other benefits, either directly or indirectly, that violate the statutory penal provisions on bribery and corruption. We reject gifts or benefits from third parties. All benefits are considered gifts,
which directly or indirectly bring a financial or other advantage and which are not customary.

7 Our behaviour in dealing with finances

7.1 Money laundering

We comply with the relevant legal obligations for the prevention of money laundering.

7.2 Taxes

We comply with the applicable tax regulations. We do not assist in tax evasion or tax fraud by our employees, customers, suppliers, business partners or third parties.

7.3 Accounting

We ensure correct accounting in accordance with recognised principles. We ensure that the financial presentation of the business is correct.

8 Our behaviour in dealing with the environment

8.1 Use of resources

We use natural resources sparingly and are committed to further reducing our impact on the environment. We ensure that our entire value chain is as environmentally friendly as possible. We consider economic, social and ecological factors in a balanced way in our decisions and thus orientate our actions towards the long-term success of ALUWAG AG.

8.2 Environmental law

We comply with the applicable environmental laws and standards.